Upcoming LAFA Housefilks
March 22, 2025
hosted by Sean Cleary
Zoom only
Torrance, April 19, 2025
Mary, Devon, and Richard Creasey, hosts
Zoom and in person.
May 17, 2025
Terry & Craig Brussel-Rogers, co-hosts
Zoom and in person
Pre-filk dinner: potluck
LAFA housefilks will be announced via the LAFA mailing list.
Barry Gold will send the meeting ID to the LAFA list on the day of the
Contact Barry Gold to be
added to the mailing list.
No, we will not put the meeting ID on the web or facebook.
Look up
if you don't understand why.
One good thing about doing "house filks" via Zoom: you do not need
to live in or near Los Angeles to participate.
Or even to host a filk.
If you would like to
host a LAFA filksing in the
future, please contact the Golds.
And now, on to the spiel...
Do your checkbook and credit cards whimper when you get near a filk
dealer's table in the hucksters room?
Do you write filksongs? Do you wish you didn't have to wait till the
next convention to have someone hear them? Do you wish there were a
small monthly one-evening convention you could attend for free?
Did you stay up all night at an SF fan convention because you just
couldn't bring yourself to leave the filksing, even though all you do to
participate is to join in on the chorus?
If you answered 'Yes' to any of these questions, then you are a
'Filker'. This condition has no known cure. But if you live in the
greater Los Angeles area, treatment is possible! There is no need to
languish in silence any longer. Your craving for strange, outlandish
songs can be fulfilled if you find your way to:
Filkers Anonymous.
Filkers Anonymous is a loosely organized group of filkers who meet every
month at the home of some friendly host in the greater LA area to sing
together on a Saturday evening.
Filkers Anonymous is easy to get into — just show up! Audience members
are welcome. Musicians and singers and songwriters are thrice welcome.
We appreciate all kinds of music — from traditional folksong to Sixties
folk revival, from musical comedy to rock, from Gilbert & Sullivan
parodies to original tunes, from science to science fiction, from
roleplaying to anarchism. Rhyming and scansion and singing on-key are
helpful, but you won't be rejected if you're not perfect; we aren't
Filkers Anonymous wants to meet you — and to see you again — and doesn't
want to wait until next year! Feel free to only attend meetings at
nearby homes. Feel free to attend every meeting. Feel free to offer to
host a meeting.
If you're a new filker, and you have enjoyed filking at a recent
convention, look us up next month and filk again!
If you're an old fan who's hasn't participated in filk for a while,
come to a meeting and see what the new gang is up to now.
If you're a Filkers Anonymous regular, why are you reading this? You
already know it all!
For more information, or to get onto the regular mailing list for the
monthly Filk Flyer with complete directions to the filksite,
contact Barry Gold: barrydgold@ca.rr.com
Lee Gold: leeway@labcats.org.