May LAFA Filksing Terry & Craig Brussel-Rogers, co-hosts Saturday, May 17, 2025 8515 Penfield Ave. Winnetka, CA 91306 818/886-0069 Pre-filk dinner: 6-7PM: pot luck. Bring your favorite dish to share. Homemade Chicken and Vegetable Soup provided by your hostess. Filk: 7 PM to ??? THIS FILK WILL BE CONDUCTED BOTH VIA ZOOM AND IN PERSON. Zoom meeting ID: 317 597 1626 password: Heinlein (capital H) Filk style: Chaos. DIRECTIONS Thos. Bros. (Old) LA Co, page 12 F1 (New) LA Co, page 530 E1 FROM THE EAST & SOUTH: Take the 405 Freeway north to Roscoe Blvd. Turn Left (West) on Roscoe, go about 5.5 miles to Winnetka Ave. Turn NORTH (right) on Winnetka. Turn Right (East) on Chase. Turn Left (North) on Penfield. Terry's house is the 2nd house on the west side of the street. FROM THE WEST: Take the 101 East to Winnetka. Go NORTH on Winnetka about 3.5 miles to Chase. Follow the above directions from that point. FROM THE 118 (EITHER DIRECTION): Take the 118 to Tampa. Turn SOUTH on Tampa. Turn Right (West) on Devonshire. Turn Left (South) on Winnetka past Parthenia to Chase. Turn EAST (left) on Chase, then follow the East&South directions FROM THE NORTH SAN GABRIEL/POMONA VALLEY: Take the 210 WEST to the 118. Then follow the above directions. FILK STYLE - moderated chaos NOTES -- 1. Crash space available at the filksite--call in advance for arrangements. 2. There is a Feline Warning. The hosts will try to keep him them out of the filk room. 3. NO SMOKING -- PERIOD!! (Except allowed outside.) 4. Bring all of your usual filk stuff. 5. There is a hot tub. 6. The filksite is air conditioned Next LAFA Filk: Saturday, November 20, 2021 Filk: 7 PM to ??? Hosts: Mary, Devon, and Richard Creasey For LAFA Information: Contact Lee & Barry Gold, (310) 306-7456 To get emailed LAFA announcements, send email to or Or visit